
iOS 11.3, Homepod, iBooks wird Books, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, The Last Guardian VR (PSVR), The Room Old Sins (iOS), Monster Hunter World, Exit – Das Spiel, Autonomous, Gorogoa, Rausschmeisser


Warum UI/UX wichtig ist, Apple und die Steuermilliarden, iMessage Crash Bug, Nintendo Labo, QB – A CUBE’S TALE (iOS), The Expanse, Rausschmeisser

Tau Halbe

Meltdown / Spectre, iOS 11.2.2, Yet another Password problem, 6 Minutes of Sky, Uncannymals Sticker, Dark Souls Remastered Ende Mai, Spurious correlations, Gorogoa (iOS/Steam/Switch), Bridge Constructor Portal (iOS), Inside (iOS), Opus Magnum (Steam), VR The Diner Duo (PSVR), Horizon Zero Dawn: The Frozen Wilds, Rausschmeisser