USB-(C)-Adapter, PS5 not found, Clubhouse, GameStop Stocks, User Inyerface, Authentifizierung, If Found… (iOS, PC, Mac), Holovista (iOS), Dark Souls Remastered (PS4), The Last Guardian (PS4), Rausschmeisser
Parler fliegt aus dem AppStore (und von AWS), R.I.P. Tetris Champion Jonas Neubauer, Highlights 2020, Apple Watch als Viewfinder, Beatsaber, Opossum County (Browser), Synology DS420+, The Forest, Cuphead (PS4, PC, Mac, XBoxe One, Switch), Superliminal (PS4, PC, XBox One, Switch), Tobys Family-Games (Browser), Days Gone (PS4), Rausschmeisser